Eight years old and under a thousand views, and youtube decides I need to watch it in between my dougs and my rams.… Wed Mar 23, 14:21 Bild från: twitter.
Factorio image printer, no mods required. (although you will need a LOT of level 3 speed modules for light blue) Sat Jul 31, 03:36 Bild från: twitter.
I made possibly the least efficient yet most pleasing sushi belt possible. Mon Jul 26, 06:10 Bild från: twitter.
Dynamic tilemap data to the left for rapid testing, logic to the right. Tue Jul 20, 05:12 Bild från: twitter.
Scrolling tilemap in factorio. Turns out the recursive blueprints mod lets you to set constant combinator filters… Tue Jul 20, 05:10 Bild från: twitter.
Wahey it worked! Thanks Valve, I'll install my steam deck pre-order right away! Fri Jul 16, 19:33 Bild från: twitter.
Me: Could you at least clarify if you've taken my money? Steam: me: hello? Steam: Fri Jul 16, 19:25 Bild från: twitter.